
Emitel has been obtained the prestigious title of Top Employer Poland 2024, awarded to the best employers in Poland by the Top Employers Institute. This marks the fifth consecutive certification, demonstrating the company’s commitment to responsible employee policies and maintaining high human resources management standards.

Being certified as a Top Employer showcases an organisation’s dedication to a better world of work and exhibits this through excellent HR policies and people practices.  Emitel consistently raises human capital management standards, prioritizes employee needs, and provides opportunities for development. The company also values close communication with employees and their well-being. Emitel’s human capital strategy is internationally recognized, as evidenced by the Top Employer Poland certification for the fifth time.

President of the Management Board at Emitel Andrzej Kozlowski says: “We are well aware that the results and development of the company depend on the commitment of our entire team. Therefore, we listen to the voices of our employees – specialist who act with commitment and passion and strive to achieve ambitious goals in a company closely aligned with their needs. Our strategy focuses on being an employer offering attractive employment conditions and a friendly workplace. The Top Employer certificate, earned once again, attests to our position among the best employers in Poland,”

Obtaining the Top Employer certificate is preceded by a long validation process and meeting various conditions. A questionnaire covering key areas related to human capital management is verified based on evidence of relevant procedures, processes, and practices. The certification process ends with an independent audit conducted by external auditors.

Top Employers Institute CEO David Plink says: “Exceptional times bring out the best in people and organisations. And we have witnessed this in our Top Employers Certification Programme this year: exceptional performance from the certified Top Employers 2024. These employers have always shown that they care for the development and well-being of their people. By doing so, they collectively enrich the world of work. We are proud to announce and celebrate this year’s group of leading people-oriented employers: the Top Employers 2024.”

The Top Employers Institute programme certifies organisations based on the participation and results of their HR Best Practices Survey. This survey covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics including People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and more. The programme has certified and recognised over 2 300 Top Employers in 122 countries/regions across five continents.

About Top Employers Institute 

Top Employers Institute is the global authority on recognising excellence in  People Practices. We help accelerate these practices to enrich the world of work. Through the Top Employers Institute Certification Programme, participating companies can be validated, certified, and recognised as an employer of choice. In 2024, Top Employers Institute has certified  more than 2 300 organisations in 122 countries/regions. These certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of over 9 million employees globally.