
For the 11th time, the Polityka weekly, the consulting company Deloitte and the Responsible Business Forum have distinguished Polish leaders of sustainable development and ESG as part of the POLITYKA Listki CSR initiative. The organizers of the competition awarded Emitel with the Srebrny Listek CSR, appreciating its activities in the field of sustainable development, environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.

– Polityka’s Srebrny Listek CSR is a very important distinction for us, confirming that our activities are appreciated by experts in the field of sustainable development. At the end of March this year we published the ESG report for 2021 – for the first time it was prepared based on the international GRI reporting standard. Last year, we also approved the ESG Policy for 2021-2025, which defines main goals of our activities in the area of natural environment, social responsibility and corporate governance. These are: Caring for the landscape, biodiversity and protection of habitats, improving energy efficiency, minimizing the impact on the environment, sustainable waste management and concern for interpersonal relations. This is the best proof that the issue of sustainable development is of great importance to us – said Andrzej J. Kozłowski, President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.

The POLITYKA’s Srebrny listek awards were presented to companies which declare that in their daily activities they take into account most of the key solutions in the field of sustainable development, implement the highest quality solutions and disclose information related to their activities. The scores in the competition were awarded on the basis of an analysis of the questionnaire completed by the companies, developed in accordance with the guidelines of the ISO 26000 standard. POLITYKA’s Złoty Listek CSR was awarded to 21 companies, Srebrny Listek to 27, and Biały Listek to 35 companies.

This year, the editorial office also introduced a new category – the Zielony Listek CSR. It was awarded to companies for which reducing the negative impact on the climate, preventing climate change and adapting to these conditions are key elements of strategic activities running their businesses and in relations with their stakeholders.