The Employee-Friendly Employer Contest has been organized for 11 years by the National Committee of the “Solidarity” Trade Union under the honorary patronage of Poland’s President. The objective of the contest is to promote employers who distinguish themselves by applying good practices in such fields as compliance with the labor laws.
The Certification Committee evaluated the applications sent to the contest considering, among others, compliance with the labor laws, conclusion of collective agreements, concluding employment contracts for an unspecified period of time, trade union membership rates, and functioning of workers’ councils. Emitel S.A. received an award along with such companies as Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A., Kopalnia Soli “Wieliczka” S.A., and Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie “Herbapol.”
“We are involved in a lot of projects intended to create a friendly and attractive work place for the employees of Emitel. People are our greatest asset and this is why we pay a lot of attention to such matters as safety and direct or indirect support to our employees and their families. The results of our HR policies are manifested in the annual study of the level of involvement and satisfaction of our employees, which has lots of participants who express very good opinions about our company,” said Andrzej Kozłowski, the President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.
Candidates for the “Employee-Friendly Employer” title are nominated by the “Solidarity” Trade Union organizations in respective companies. The winners of the contest respect the rights of employees and conduct social dialog in their organizations. The certificate may be used for three years after it is awarded. The statuettes will be handed by President Andrzej Duda on 19 March 2019.