
In its latest social engagement report, Emitel sums up the key events in the area of activities undertaken in the field of environmental protection, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance.

Emitel conducts its business in a responsible manner. In its daily operations and strategic plans, the company combines the pursuit of business objectives with actions that respond to the diverse needs of all stakeholder groups – customers, employees, business partners, shareholders and local communities. The way the company operates on a daily basis and the principles it upholds are described in the 2019 Social Involvement Report, which is now available for you to read at your leisure.

“The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is an enormous business challenge for many companies. But that’s not all. Just like patients, who are tested for the virus, companies around the world are currently undergoing a social responsibility test. These moments of the most difficult trials verify our empathy and willingness to help. I am convinced that Emitel has been passing this test, taking place in such exceptional circumstances. I encourage you to read the report in which we present our activities in the Environmental, Social, and Governance areas undertaken last year. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a lot of health and perseverance, as well as joyful, warm and peaceful Easter. Let us spend that time in a responsible manner and stay home,” said Andrzej J. Kozłowski, President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.

Emitel is one of the top Polish companies in terms of corporate social responsibility, as evidenced by the numerous awards and distinctions received by the company. The year 2019 was particularly abundant in various awards from institutions, which have appreciated our work. These include the distinction in the 42nd edition of the CSR Report, Human Capital Investor Award, Employee-Friendly Employer Award, Human Resource Management Leader Award, Trustworthy Employer Award and the Investor in Human Capital emblem. This focus also results in very high scores in the GRESB Survey, in which Emitel has been participating for a number of years now, which is also reflected in the report.


Pobierz RAPORT ZAANGAŻOWANIA SPOŁECZNEGO EMITEL za rok 2019 ( w jęz. angielskim)