
Emitel has published the Corporate Social Resposibility Report for 2017. It is the first document of its kind developed by the Company, which presents the most important undertakings and initiatives that Emitel undertook in the field of social responsibility. The company joins the group of companies that regularly publish reports on corporate social responsibility.

The report describes activities such in the field of environmental protection management as well as initiatives undertaken for employees in the Company in 2017. A lot of solutions and practices have been conducted in the company for many years, now they have been collected and described in one document so that the company’s clients, partners and employees could read them easily. The company’s business activities cover the entire territory of Poland, which is why Emitel attaches great importance to building good relations with local communities – in the report, the Company also refers to these issues.

“Reporting activities in the field of CSR should be a constant element of communication of companies with the external environment. Although for many years Emitel has been conducting a number of activities in the field of social responsibility, so far there has been no publication summarizing what exactly we are doing. I am proud that Emitel joins the group of companies that present the implemented projects and CSR initiatives in a transparent manner. The report also presents activities targeted at our employees. Creating a friendly and attractive workplace is one of our priorities. “- said Andrzej Kozłowski – President of the Management Board Emitel S.A.

The scope of activities undertaken by Emitel is very wide. In search of further areas for social activities, the company is still looking for non-standard solutions. The publication is not a one-off event, the Company intends to present a similar summary every year in the form of an annual report.