
Emitel has become a partner of the new edition of Zwolnieni z Teorii [Exempt from Theory] social olympics – the largest Polish project addressed to high school and University students. The participants will have to come up with a project to solve a local social issue, organize it in a team and implement it.
The project is aimed at developing competences of high school students in the area of teamwork, communication and creative thinking. Emitel, like in the previous edition, has challenged the participants with designing practical solutions of the city of the future.

Project teams will work under the guidance of Emitel mentors, who will support the participants in project implementation, and share their knowledge and experience, to increase chances to finalise the projects. In addition, selected high schools will work under the auspices of Emitel. Teachers from these schools will take part in unique trainings in the scope of promoting entrepreneurial attitudes among their students.

“In our opinion, it is very important that young people – even before they take up studies – learn project management, effective teamwork and communication. Currently, it has become virtually impossible. The pandemic restricts social contacts, and young people need to be enabled, especially now, to implement projects together, with support from mentors sharing their knowledge and experience. Therefore, we have decided once again to sponsor Zwolnieni z Teorii, as we were truly satisfied with the effects of cooperation during the previous edition” – said Andrzej Kozłowski – President of the Board of Emitel S.A., the inspirer and patron of the action.

Zwolnieni z Teorii enjoys much popularity among young people. So far, 76 374 platform users have been registered, 2809 social projects have been implemented, and more than 26 million beneficiaries of social projects have been noted. Apart from Emitel the project is supported by companies such as: Google, ING, Allegro,, JP Morgan, Fundacja BGK, Enea, Capgemini, BNP Paribas, Dentons and many more.