This year’s edition of the Responsible Business Ranking involved more than 80 companies, and the number of enterprises interested in the ranking was twice as high. Ultimately, 70 companies entered the main list. Emitel was among top fifteen companies, having scored 80 out of 100 points.
The results of the 15th Responsible Business Ranking and Positive Impact Start-ups were announced during a virtual event on June 18th, 2021. The gala was organized by Koźmiński Business Hub, conducting activity as part of Leon Koźmiński Academy. This year’s edition of the Responsible Business Ranking attracted a numerous group of participants, which proves that even during the days of the epidemic, businesses operating in Poland are aware of major challenges they are to face, and do not forget about the social role they have to play. The first place in the ranking was occupied by BNP Paribas Bank Polska, followed by Santander Bank Polska and Orange Polska. Distinctions were awarded, among others, to PKN Orlen, Coca-Cola HBC Polska, Jeronimo Martins Polska, Auchan and Raben Group.
“I would like to congratulate all the companies awarded as part of this year’s ranking. It is worth emphasizing that, despite the challenges related to the coronavirus pandemic, sustainable development has remained one of the top priorities, and businesses are eager to accept the effort related to responsibility towards various stakeholders. For Emitel’s management and employees, social responsibility is an extremely important aspect of our everyday work,” said Andrzej J. Kozłowski, President of the Board of Emitel S.A.
“In a way, a side effect of the pandemic was a major upheaval in many businesses, which also changed the way of thinking about sustainable development and facing civilization challenges. Since business leaders learned that a crisis is possible, they could, finally, start talking about forms and necessary stages of adjustment. Carbon footprint measurement, decarbonization of delivery chains, closing raw material circulation, D&I departments in every company, responsible innovations, multi-sectoral partnerships, energy efficiency, sustainable financing, new organizational structures for CSR are just a few examples of brand new approaches,” commented Prof. Bolesław Rok of Leon Koźmiński Academy, co-originator of the Responsible Business Ranking.
The Responsible Business Ranking, first published in 2007, is the only list of companies operating in Poland, evaluated in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) management system. In 2021, RBR’s partner is the Responsible Business Forum [Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu]. Deloitte is the substantive partner, responsible for review of the answers, whereas Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily is the media partner. The ranking has been created by Professor Bolesław Rok of the Centre for the Research on Positive Impact Entrepreneurship at Leon Koźmiński Academy and Jarosław Horodecki, an analyst.
More than 200 companies operating on the Polish market have already taken part in the ranking. The ranking provides an opportunity to compare the results in particular areas of CSR achieved by different companies, and is a valuable instrument facilitating arrangement and development of corporate responsibility strategies.