
The activities conducted by Emitel for the first time are described in the Report “Responsible business in Poland. Good practices “, issued by the Responsible Business Forum. The report contains 1190 good business practices in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development, and this is the largest review of such activities in Poland in a given year.

The report includes ten examples of Emitel’s good practices in the areas of “organizational order”, “human rights” and “labor law practices”. The company was appreciated, among others for activities related to the safety and health of employees, regulation of issues related to counteracting mobbing and discrimination in the workplace, implementation of the code of ethics and also for a number of activities in the area of ​​labor law. Participation in the nationwide Report confirms that Emitel builds the strength of the organization based on best practices and market trends in CSR.

“Responsible business is largely fair dealing with all stakeholders of the company. As a socially responsible company, Emitel bases its operations on respect, ethical conduct and concern for employees. Social dialogue and real commitment to helping others are also important for us. I am glad that the examples of our activities have been highlighted in the report “- said Andrzej Kozłowski, President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.

The premiere of the report took place on April 12, 2018 at the CSR fair at the PGE Narodowy stadium in Warsaw. The publication is available online, and this year’s practices have been added to the practice browser from all 16 years, available on the website