
Like in previous years, Emitel has compiled a report outlining its key ESG activities. For three years now, the company has published reports in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative’s 2021 international reporting standards.

Over the past year, Emitel has been actively involved in a number of initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment, supporting people in greatest need and developing civil society. These efforts ranged from educational support, promoting equal opportunities at work and charity campaigns, which were opportunities to bring our staff together as well. We also continued the ongoing solar power upgrade projects on our sites.

“Sustainability is neither a fad nor something to be done for show, but a long-term strategy that has a significant impact on our company, our stakeholders and society. At Emitel, we have been continuously fostering an understanding of the principles of sustainability, and we are showcasing the results achieved in the past year in our next ESG report.” – said Andrzej J. Kozłowski – President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.

Emitel’s ESG policy for 2021-2025 has been formulated in consideration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the adopted strategy, Emitel consistently strives to align its operations with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, the company has been setting ambitious goals concerning project management and reducing its environmental impact. Furthermore, Emitel has been actively committed to improving energy efficiency along with waste and wastewater management as well as the protection of endangered species.

Sustainability is the cornerstone of the future of business. A responsible ESG reporting framework plays a key role in achieving this goal. That is why Emitel’s ESG policy for 2021-2025 has been formulated in consideration of the UN Global Compact guidelines.

Download full text of the report.

Executive summary of the ESG Report (web version).