
Care for the environment, society, and corporate governance are extremely important for Emitel, and the related activities are consistently implemented in the company

This is also evidenced by the results of the latest GRESB survey, evaluating the activities of companies in the field of social engagement and sustainable development. In this year’s edition, Emitel improved on last year’s result, gaining as many as 93 points out of 100 possible. Emitel was ranked fifth in its category and among the top 132 companies of the 649 participating in the survey.

Scoring 93 points means that Emitel improved on their last year’s result by 3 points. Successive activities within the framework of corporate social engagement, consistently implemented in the company, have contributed to a progressive increase in the number of points earned by Emitel. The company has been participating in the international GRESB survey since 2016, i.e. for seven years.

– Environmental concerns, sensitivity to the needs of others, and cooperation with local communities are inscribed in the DNA of our company. Nor have we been indifferent to the tragedy that has befallen the Ukrainian people recently, and that is why we have been committed to helping our neighbors. We also encourage our employees to engage in voluntary initiatives – one such project was to prepare a place of residence for refugees in one of our office buildings in Poznań. This year’s GRESB survey confirms that the high standards and actions undertaken by Emitel in the field of sustainable development are appreciated by evaluators. I thank all employees of Emitel for their attitude and congratulate them on the excellent result in the study – said Andrzej J. Kozłowski, President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.

GRESB – Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark – independent research, every year since 2009 has been analyzing companies for sustainable development, environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance (ESG) activities. The GRESB study is considered a benchmark for funds that invest in infrastructure companies and real estate worldwide