
Partnership within the LoRa Alliance® will allow Emitel to scale up and accelerate the implementation of IoT projects based on LoRaWAN® (Long Range Radio) technology. Working with the companies that make up the association will also help the Company to develop comprehensive solutions for Smart Cities.

For several years, Emitel has been developing throughout the country a network for IoT/SmartCity needs, on the basis of, among others, the LoRaWAN® technology. The low-energy long-range radio network allows effective transmission of data from sensors to the base station. Launching a LoRaWAN®-compliant network in a given area can be simpler and cheaper than using, for example, mobile networks, which enables faster deployment of services and solutions used by industry and local government, among others.

“Joining the LoRa Alliance® will allow us to implement solutions dedicated to our customers even more efficiently. With access to the latest information and standards, as well as through networking with members of the organisation, we hope, among others, to extend our range of on-line goods and services,” – said Andrzej J. Kozłowski – President of the Management Board of Emitel S.A.

The availability of LoRaWAN technology enables the development of services in the field of smart cities. It also offers an opportunity for local entrepreneurs, start-ups and larger companies to develop their solutions, particularly within urban agglomerations. Sensors connected to the base station form a network that can efficiently collect relevant data. This network can be used for control, for example to remotely read water, electricity or gas meters, use parking spaces, filling of urban waste bins, or for monitoring the environment, including air pollution parameters. Emitel successfully implemented first such projects in Wrocław and Piaseczno, among others.

About Emitel
Emitel S.A. is the most important operator of terrestrial broadcasting infrastructure in Poland. For over 50 years, we provide all Polish households with television signals. Emitel’s engineers are working on the digitisation of radio, further development of digital and hybrid television, designing and installing state-of-the-art wireless communication systems; they are also involved in works on the 5G network. The company is a pioneer in Poland in offering and implementing solutions from the field of Internet of things and Smart Cities. It leads innovative solutions projects in several Polish cities, thus creating a new business segment responding to the opportunities offered by the Innovative Economy 4.0 and the sharing economy.

About LoRa Alliance
Lora Alliance® ( is one of the fastest growing technology alliances. This non-profit association is formed by more than 500 member companies and engages in large-scale deployment of low-power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) for IoT by developing and promoting the open LoRaWAN® standard. Members benefit from an ecosystem of active colleagues offering solutions, products and services that create new and lasting business opportunities. Through standardisation and the accredited LoRa Alliance® certification system, it ensures interoperability needed to scale the LPPWA networks, thus making LoRaWAN® a leading solution for global LPWAN deployments.